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POWDER UNDER THE CARPET. Africa has never been told before. Mohamed Kona...


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Cabinda: ein Volk, dem die Selbstbestimmung und die eigenen natürlichen Ressourcen entzogen sind.

Rohstoffe contra Menschenrechte – Vergessene Entkolonialisierung in Cabinda Autor: Bartolomeu Capita, Co-Vorsitzender des Cabindan National Movement Überblick über die Kirche „Unsere Liebe Frau Königin der Welt“ in Cabinda. Foto: Macauhub. Wirtschaftsinteressen und der Griff nach Rohstoffen schüren viele Konflikte weltweit. Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker bleibt dabei oft auf der Strecke. Stattdessen werden schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen verübt, um die Kontrolle lukrativer Ressourcen zu sichern. Viele dieser Konflikte finden in Europa kaum Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl sie eng mit Europas Kolonialherrschaft in Afrika verknüpft sind. So auch in Cabinda, einer früheren portugiesischen „Kolonie“ im Südwesten Afrikas. Cabinda – Garant für Angolas Reichtum Fragt man auf den Straßen Europas nach Cabinda, so wird mit Achselzucken reagiert. Cabinda, nie gehört, kaum ein Konflikt ist so unbekannt wie der um das rohstoffreiche Gebiet nördlich des Kon...

Cabinda: The German International Responsibility

Cabinda: The German International Responsibility Author: Bartolomeu Capita Joint-Presidency, Cabindan National Movement The invasion and unlawful occupation of Cabinda by “Angola” in 1974/75 is actually the result of the long-standing imperialistic rivalry between France and Germany. Germany is called upon to assume her international responsibility under Article 35 of the Charter of the United Nations, in order to put an end to the political repression, economic exploitation, and social degradation the occupation entails. Overview of the Church "Our Lady Queen of the World" in Cabinda. Foto: Macauhub. Those to whom democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and international peace and security really matter, cannot help admitting that the occupation of Cabinda by Angola is the major contributing factor to the political insecurity and instability in southern Africa. The proof is that, so far, two incumbent presidents have been killed; five have been forc...

Injustice in Cabinda is a Threat to Justice in Germany

Mr. Clemens Tönnies’ supposed Racism is far less detrimental to Africans than the Passive Racism of the Governments that do nothing to end Injustice in Africa. “When Hitler decreed prejudice against Negroes, Germans obediently went through the motions of being prejudiced toward Negroes. Consequently, since racial bias against Negroes is not in the German history or character, racial prejudice in Germany is something that one can turn on and off at will.”                                 ― Roi Ottley, African-American Reporter [1] Dear Dr. Uschi Eid, President of the German Africa Foundation, Not long ago, Mr. Clemens Tönnies, the chairman of a leading German football club, i.e. Schalke, made “unintentional racist comments” while disapproving tax increases to fight climate change. As a substitu...