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Showing posts from August, 2019

Injustice in Cabinda is a Threat to Justice in Germany

Mr. Clemens Tönnies’ supposed Racism is far less detrimental to Africans than the Passive Racism of the Governments that do nothing to end Injustice in Africa. “When Hitler decreed prejudice against Negroes, Germans obediently went through the motions of being prejudiced toward Negroes. Consequently, since racial bias against Negroes is not in the German history or character, racial prejudice in Germany is something that one can turn on and off at will.”                                 ― Roi Ottley, African-American Reporter [1] Dear Dr. Uschi Eid, President of the German Africa Foundation, Not long ago, Mr. Clemens Tönnies, the chairman of a leading German football club, i.e. Schalke, made “unintentional racist comments” while disapproving tax increases to fight climate change. As a substitute of tax increases, he proposed that the money be used to finance 20 power plants a year in Africa. “Then the Africans would stop cutting down trees, and