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The completion of the decolonization process of Cabinda Can't wait.

  "Beijing is ready to protect the world order based on international law together with Moscow. We should act as guarantors of justice in international affairs. China is ready to promote the international system established by the United Nations, protect the world order based on international law, and abide by universal values such as peace, development, justice, democracy, equality and freedom." — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi | 23 March 2021|TASS In the light of the UNGA Resolution 2144 (XXI) of 26 October 1966, Cabinda is a Non-Self-Governing Territory to which the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples [GA Resolution 1514 (XV)] applies.  Apart from being permanent members of the UNSC, which bears the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, China and Russia are members of the Special Committee on Decolonization, aka the C-24. In view of China’s and Russia’s responsibilities in Cabinda, in Afr
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ANGOLA: Agostinho Neto e Lúcio Lara desprovidos da confiança de Brezhnev!

  Agostinho Neto e o MPLA falharam e não farão senão continuar a falhar, porque ambos foram moldados para fazer de Angola um Estado e uma Nação falidos. Os Egos e a falta lamentável de auto-confiança expuseram Neto e o MPLA à manipulações. Estas suscitaram neles interes-ses individualistas que impediram de ter uma visão objectiva do perigo que espreita Angola. Tendo em vista os factores externos que causaram a desgraça nacional angolana, assim como a frivolidade dos ditos intelectuais (assimilados) angolanos, é indiscutível que nenhum partido e nenhum político angolano está em posição de salvar Angola do actual estado de coisas. As dívidas contraídas pela ditadura do MPLA são por si só um obstáculo intransponível.    Faça o favor de ler o documento na íntegra !     E agradece-lhe pelo seu tempo e empatia, o nobre Povo e Nação Cabinda!

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Cabinda: ein Volk, dem die Selbstbestimmung und die eigenen natürlichen Ressourcen entzogen sind.

Rohstoffe contra Menschenrechte – Vergessene Entkolonialisierung in Cabinda Autor: Bartolomeu Capita, Co-Vorsitzender des Cabindan National Movement Überblick über die Kirche „Unsere Liebe Frau Königin der Welt“ in Cabinda. Foto: Macauhub. Wirtschaftsinteressen und der Griff nach Rohstoffen schüren viele Konflikte weltweit. Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker bleibt dabei oft auf der Strecke. Stattdessen werden schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen verübt, um die Kontrolle lukrativer Ressourcen zu sichern. Viele dieser Konflikte finden in Europa kaum Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl sie eng mit Europas Kolonialherrschaft in Afrika verknüpft sind. So auch in Cabinda, einer früheren portugiesischen „Kolonie“ im Südwesten Afrikas. Cabinda – Garant für Angolas Reichtum Fragt man auf den Straßen Europas nach Cabinda, so wird mit Achselzucken reagiert. Cabinda, nie gehört, kaum ein Konflikt ist so unbekannt wie der um das rohstoffreiche Gebiet nördlich des Kongo.

Injustice in Cabinda is a Threat to Justice in Germany

Mr. Clemens Tönnies’ supposed Racism is far less detrimental to Africans than the Passive Racism of the Governments that do nothing to end Injustice in Africa. “When Hitler decreed prejudice against Negroes, Germans obediently went through the motions of being prejudiced toward Negroes. Consequently, since racial bias against Negroes is not in the German history or character, racial prejudice in Germany is something that one can turn on and off at will.”                                 ― Roi Ottley, African-American Reporter [1] Dear Dr. Uschi Eid, President of the German Africa Foundation, Not long ago, Mr. Clemens Tönnies, the chairman of a leading German football club, i.e. Schalke, made “unintentional racist comments” while disapproving tax increases to fight climate change. As a substitute of tax increases, he proposed that the money be used to finance 20 power plants a year in Africa. “Then the Africans would stop cutting down trees, and